Quinoa: The Super Grain!

Quinoa, is the over looked grain of choice. This seed comes from a leafy plant similar to the spinach plant, and is an incredibly nutrient filled grain. High in complete proteins, low in gluten, lots of nutrients and great for weight loss. What more could you ask for?
Quinoa is a great source of protein. Unlike many other grains, quinoa has complete proteins, which is a great source of protein for vegetarians. The protein in this amazing grain is also much higher (15% more) compared to pasta or rice (8g per serving).
For weight loss, quinoa is a great choice for a carbohydrate. It is not necessarily a low calorie food (220 cal. Per cup), but with the high protein and fiber content, incorporating quinoa into your diet will leave you feeling more full.
Give it a try! Quinoa is such a versatile food. You can use it for salads, rice substitutes, breakfast meals and so much more! Here below are a few recipies that we are obsessed with:
Cilantro Lime Quinoa (Makes wonderful bowl like Chipolte!)
Mac and Cheese
Quinoa For Breakfast!
32 Fat-Burning Foods You Can Eat All Day
Thoufeek, A., Singhal, R., Kulkarni, P., & Pal, M. (1998). A lesser-known grain, Chenopodium quinoa: Review of the chemical composition of its edible parts. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 19(1), 61-70. Retrieved May 6, 2015, from http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nsinf/fnb/1998/00000019/00000001/art00010