Cathy Huggins, NPTC CPT

Cathy is a certified personal trainer who has been in the fitness industry for approximately 37 years. Since high school, she was always fascinated and interested in health and exercise. She was only 20 years old when she was first certified to teach group fitness while also working a full-time job and raising two children. Cathy's passion for fitness and health only grew throughout the years and she eventually became a full-time trainer. Cathy has taught yoga, water fitness, kick boxing, step classes, HIIT, Tabata and many other types of classes as well as individually training clients. She did her first body-building competition at the age of 42 and took first place in both categories she competed in. Through this experience, particularly, the food she ate and the workouts she did, she became a better trainer for her clients.
Cathy's philosophy is that you have to work hard to make your body the best it can be through proper exercise, rest and clean eating! There is no magic pill or special drink. Patience, hard work and good nutrition, that's it!
It never ceases to amaze Cathy how the human body responds to proper nutrition, exercise and rest. The body is an amazing thing. Treat it good and your quality of life will be awesome. Cathy has trained thousands of clients in her nearly 40 years in the fitness industry in various professions including: police officers, stay-at-home moms, athletes, special needs clients, stroke victims, golfers, realtors, teachers, football players, teenagers, seniors, people from all walks of life. Given her experience, she can help you too. Your fitness and health goals become hers - she is here to help you reach those goals with her experience, knowledge and passion.
Cathy is currently accepting new clients. For more information or to schedule an appointment, you can contact her directly at 831-207-9341 or email her at

Get the body you want at the studio you love!